Michelle Cantrell Counseling is now the Center for Growth and Connection. Please visit our new website at CenterforGrowthandConnection.com.
Therapy with Michelle
Michelle supports individuals in Los Angeles, Virginia and D.C. who struggle with High Functioning Anxiety.
Does any of this feel familiar to you?
->Feelings of restlessness
->Difficulty concentrating
->Difficulty relaxing
->Muscle tensions
->Stomach problems
->Sleep problems
->Needing some wine to unwind
->Not able to enjoy life, the pleasant moments.
These are all symptoms of High Functioning Anxiety.
Therapy with Michelle
I can help and I know how to help
With over a decade of clinical experience I use my expertise to help you enjoy your life. I work with professionals who have it all together but are struggling to enjoy what they have.
As someone in recovery from high functioning anxiety I know what it's like to feel fearful of losing my drive and motivation. But I can help you keep the high functioning parts without the anxiety.
You get to enjoy the life you have worked so hard to create!
Our Work Together Means:
>> Helping you to not always have such a short fuse.
>> Holding space for you to not be so perfect all the time.
>> Identifying strategies to help with better communication with loved ones.
>> Developing a clearer vision of your values.
Ready to get started?
1) Book A Consult
— Have a chance to share what is happening for you
2) On the Call
— Michelle shares how she can help you move from relationship distress to feeling more connection
3) Create a game plan for success
— We work together to get you unstuck and help you experience connection with yourself and your partner